Mapping sound to stimulate meaningful interaction
Team: Paolo Boni (MIT Design Lab), Ameneh Fadaie (MITidm), Mia Guo (Harvard GSD), Xinru Liu (Harvard GSD), Iris Xia (Harvard GSD)
- proximity-based spatial sound mixing syste
- allows users to manipulate properties by changing the relational distances
- each unit may house different field recordings, sound samples, or music of the user’s choice.
- urban sound pollution
- sound being intangible
- People enjoy music either in a group or alone, what about the intermediate scale in between these two?
Scenairo I
Educational Soundery Tool Kit
An educational tool that allows children to learn about environmental issues through sonic representations of our changing immediate (cityscape) and faraway surroundings (rainforest).
Low-Fidelity Prototype
High-Fidelity Prototype
Scenairo II
Wearable Speaker Bracelets
Users can use to adorn themselves, generate dynamic sounds, and co-produce music with other users by moving their hands and dancing together to reinterpret existing songs or create new tunes.
Low-Fidelity Prototype
By rotating, the track will be changed and by closing the bracelets together, the sound volume will be increased. This can create an atmosphere that people can interact with each other more and enjoy dancing together.